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Sept. 13, 2024

President's statement on conclusion of attorney general's investigation into previously privileged documents

Earlier this week marked the conclusion of the Michigan attorney general’s investigation into a deeply troubling chapter in our university’s history. While the investigation did not uncover new information, it is important to acknowledge that the findings still underscore the profound effect this chapter has had on our community — especially for the survivors and their families.

To survivors, I see you, and I hear you. Your pain is real, and your courage in speaking out has brought about critical reflection and growth within our institution. We acknowledge that for some, the hurt and harm caused continue, and we must remain vigilant in ensuring a system that doesn’t allow for such acts to occur again.

Since my arrival at MSU, I have made it a priority to connect with as many individuals, groups and stakeholders as possible, including survivors. These extraordinary connections have helped me understand the deep desire for safety, trust and accountability in our community. Listening to your stories and hearing your concerns has been invaluable, guiding us as we take steps to strengthen our university’s foundations. I will continue to emphasize expectations that everyone on our campus treat others with dignity and respect.

In this moment, we have an opportunity — one we must not take lightly — to continue reflecting on our past, learning from it and building a safer, more accountable institution for the future. Over the past six years, the university has taken significant steps to improve our relationship violence and sexual misconduct policies and will take the next step this spring with our continued campus climate and culture assessment. But we acknowledge there is still more work ahead of us. We are committed to creating an environment where every person feels protected, respected and valued.

- Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Ph.D.