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March 13, 2025

The 2025 Know More Survey is Here

Dear Spartans,

A university environment where every member feels safe, welcome and valued is essential for people to succeed in their studies or work.

Michigan State University aims to be a place that prioritizes safety, empowers members to speak out against harm, and shapes our policies and procedures for lasting positive change. It is in this spirit that I am pleased to announce the upcoming launch of the third Know More Campus Survey.

Open in just a few days to all students, faculty and staff, this survey is essential to understanding our university’s culture and continuing to strengthen our community’s well-being.

We recognize that reflecting on these topics — sexual misconduct, relationship violence and workplace incivility — might be difficult. Your comfort and safety matter deeply to us. Please know that there are many campus resources ready to provide care, support and understanding. While your participation is always voluntary, your insights are instrumental in guiding our work toward a safer MSU.

How to participate

In the coming week, look for an email from in your MSU inbox. This message will include details on how to access the survey, along with a unique access code. Though taking part is optional, we sincerely hope you will contribute your perspective.

The impact of your feedback

Responses from the survey directly inform the work of the Relationship Violence and Sexual Misconduct Expert Advisory Workgroup, which plays a central role in shaping MSU’s policies, programs and prevention initiatives, and the campus partners who will implement them. The survey also helps us gauge progress of our five-year RVSM strategic plan, which was established to identify and implement meaningful steps that support survivors, address harm and create a campus culture rooted in dignity and respect for all. One such initiative is the Sexual Assault Healthcare Program, a free service on campus that is staffed 24 hours a day and seven days a week by specially trained forensic nurses. The program offers confidential, trauma-informed health care and support to survivors following a sexual assault. Open since 2021, the program is the first of its kind on a college campus. It provides an opportunity to make post-assault care as comfortable and supportive as possible for survivors. A full list of improvements can be found on the Our Commitment website.

Your feedback will help us better direct resources and refine strategies to strengthen our commitment to prevent and respond effectively to discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct and relationship violence. The previous Know More survey reports are available on the Know More website.

Completely confidential

To maintain the confidentiality of your responses, MSU is partnering with RTI International, an independent nonprofit research organization. RTI will administer the survey, process the data and compile the results. A small team of MSU staff will have access only to de-identified data, and a summary of the overall findings will be available on the Know More website in the fall semester.

Thank you for your willingness to engage in this important initiative. By sharing your experiences and thoughts, you play a vital role in helping us grow as a community — one that strives to know more, do more and support more on behalf of all Spartans.


Kevin M. Guskiewicz, Ph.D.
(pronounced GUS-ka-wits)
Professor, Department of Kinesiology